After the lost-in-the-sun pop fly hit terra firma, Alberto Rios goes on to score the winning run while the Longhorns despair over their cruel fate.


Stanford gets miracle break yet again, headed back to Omaha


STANFORD, Calif. — Stanford head coach Dave Esquer had an interesting first sentence to his post-game press conference.

“Before you guys ask any questions I’ve got a question for you; have you guys ever seen a game end like that? Because I haven’t.”

Nor had I.

In case you are a fan of this website and yet still live under the proverbial rock and did not see the ending to Stanford’s late-night 7-6 win over Texas, here is what it looked like:

Yes, a lost-in-the-lights base hit off the bat of Stanford’s Drew Bowser to win a one-run game in jog-off fashion. How rare[…]