Teams Ready To Do A 180° In 2023 – The D1Baseball Podcast
The D1Baseball PodcastThe D1Baseball Podcast crew gets together to do a draft of the teams they think will improve their records most from 2022 to 2023 – aka the teams most ready to do a 180° in the right direction!
The D1Baseball Podcast is presented by S2 Cognition. S2 Cognition measures game-speed decision-making and provides solutions to improve performance. Quantifying sports cognition as it happens in real-time
D1Baseball is the #1 source for college baseball. Subscribe to our show to get the best college baseball podcast straight to your Apple Podcasts or Spotify feed all year round. Reviews and 5-star ratings are greatly appreciated!
Intro courtesy of Jon “Boog” Sciambi with music from John Kirby and the New Seniors.
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