About Us

D1Baseball is college baseball’s home on the internet.

Since its inception in 2003, the site has been the only place to find continuously updated scores, schedules and standings for every Division I team and conference, making it an indispensable resource for college baseball fans and insiders.

In January of 2015, D1Baseball was relaunched as a one-stop shop for college baseball. In addition to the scores and schedules that have long served as the backbone of the site, D1Baseball now provides news, analysis and commentary from the sport’s most prominent writers: Kendall Rogers, Aaron Fitt, Mark Etheridge, Joe Healy, and Eric Sorenson, among others. ESPN’s lead college baseball analyst, former Stanford All-American Kyle Peterson, leads the team. No other college baseball source offers the invaluable data or the unrivaled expertise found here at D1Baseball.

Meet Our Team

Kendall Rogers

Managing Editor and National Writer


Aaron Fitt

Managing Editor and National Writer


David Seifert

College Scouting Director


Eric Sorenson

National/West Coast Writer


Mark Etheridge

Southeast/Postseason Writer


Shotgun Spratling

West Coast Writer
